1. Your foosball skills have gotten BETTER since college
2. You don’t have a business model and you don’t feel it’s a “major concern”
3. You think that Snapchat is soooo April 2014
4. You own an unreasonable number of plaid shirts
5. Your sense of style could be described as “fancy lumberjack” while your facial hair could only be described as “homeless”
6. You didn’t even know that SxSW had a music portion
7. Your dream car isn’t a Ferrari or a Maserati, it’s a Tesla
8. You think that the show Silicon Valley should be considered a documentary
9. When someone asks you to name the three different types of clouds you say “AWS, Azure and Google Cloud”
10. You ended a friendship because of a mobile web vs native app argument
11. You broke up with a girlfriend/boyfriend once because they still had a Blackberry
12. When you say your team is agile and great in a scrum you aren’t talking about rugby
13. You have no idea how you communicated before Slack
14. On your last holiday you took a recommendation from someone you’ve never spoken to (Tripadvisor), got a ride from someone you didn’t know (UberX) and stayed in someone’s bed that you’ve never met (AirBnB).
15. You’re super proud that your last startup failed so quickly
16. You pivot more than a gold medal figure skater
17. You’re more familiar with Ashton Kutcher’s investment portfolio than his acting career
18. The only petition you’ve ever signed was in support of Uber
19. You would consider The Lean Startup the most recent “Great American Novel”
20. You’ll share this post because everyone you hangout with now is also in a startup
Have something to add to the list? Share with the hashtag #startuplife. Want to work at a startup? Here are 10 reasons why maybe you should.